Navigating Medical Insurance Claims

A few years ago when I was involved in a car accident, I had no idea how challenging it would be to spring back from things. I was really frustrated about the issue, but I didn't know how to make things right. One of the first things I was left dealing with was the fact that my medical insurance claims were being rejected on a daily basis, so I decided to start fighting things. This website is all about how to deal with frustrating medical insurance claims and how to work with the people behind the scenes. Check out this blog for great information.

Navigating Medical Insurance Claims

What To Look At When Comparing Health Insurance Quotes

18 June 2021
, Blog

If you are in the market for health insurance — either if you are getting coverage for the first time or if you are interested in changing from one policy to another — then you might be interested in shopping for health insurance quotes. What you might not really know, though, is what you should be looking at when you're looking at these quotes. These are some of the main things that you should look at when you're checking out these quotes and making a decision about which health insurance policy you want to purchase.
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Medicare Supplemental Plan Questions Answered

29 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

There are so many things to consider when you are trying to decide what kind of Medicare to sign up for. The seven-month window in which you can initially sign up for Medicare can be stressful for many older Americans because of the vast options that can greatly impact their future Healthcare needs. You have likely heard many good things about Medicare Supplement (also called Medigap) plans, but may be wondering if it is the right thing for you.
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Helpful Tips For Choosing The Most Useful Medicare Advantage Plan

9 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you retire, you need to plan carefully for what benefits in which to invest. You must choose insurance policies with caution and use ample foresight to ensure that they will be assets to you. In particular, you must use this caution when you shop for a supplement to your primary Medicare policy. You can employ a number of critical tips when you look for a new Medicare Advantage plan.
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Have New Health Insurance? 3 Things To Ask Your New Provider

24 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Switching to a new health insurance company can be intimidating, especially if you are used to the way your old provider handled things. However, you can find out a lot through a simple phone call. Here are three things you should call and ask your new health insurance provider, and why.  1. Which Doctors Do You Work With?  Oftentimes, families become close with the doctors who take care of them, which can cause complicating problems when you have to switch health insurance.
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How To Buy Medigap Plans

28 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Are you ready to search for Medigap plans? If you're almost 65, take a look at what you need to know about purchasing this supplemental insurance plan. What Is Medigap? Before you decide whether you need this type of supplemental insurance plan, you need to make sure you understand what it is, what it covers, and what it doesn't cover. A Medicare supplement insurance plan fills the gaps. As the name implies, this insurance plan fills the gaps Medicare may leave out.
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About Me
Navigating Medical Insurance Claims

A few years ago when I was involved in a car accident, I had no idea how challenging it would be to spring back from things. I was really frustrated about the issue, but I didn't know how to make things right. One of the first things I was left dealing with was the fact that my medical insurance claims were being rejected on a daily basis, so I decided to start fighting things. This website is all about how to deal with frustrating medical insurance claims and how to work with the people behind the scenes. Check out this blog for great information.
